



另外,手中有台北市吉林路、仁愛路等都更大案的國揚,昨開盤不久即直奔12.75元的漲停價;終場大漲9.05%至12.65元波段新高 。







CHINA FACTOR? TSMC denied that Chang’s decision had anything to do with China amid concern that the firm would be labeled by China as an enterprise that supports Taiwanese independence./ Staff writer, with CNATaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC, 台積電) chairman Morris Chang (張忠謀) has declined an offer to become a senior adviser to President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), the company said in a statement yesterday.Chang said in the statement that he is not suitable for the position, because he is the owner of an international enterprise that is 80 percent held by foreign investors and has 70 to 80 percent of its customers overseas.He turned down the offer on Nov. 22, it said.The Presidential Office said Tsai respects Chang’s decision.The offer was extended to Chang by Vice President Chen Chien-jen (陳建仁) on Tsai’s behalf and Chang had initially accepted it, the office said.A list of 20 senior advisers was released by the Presidential Office on Nov. 14.TSMC denied that Chang’s decision had anything to do with China after speculation that he rejected the position because of concern that TSMC would be labeled by China as an enterprise that supports Taiwanese independence.Taiwanese seafood restaurant chain Hai Pa Wang (海霸王), which is considered pro-Taiwanese independence by Beijing, was fined in China, ostensibly for mislabeling.According to Chinese media repo禮坊春節禮盒 rts, the fine against the restaurant chain was a political move by Beijing that signaled little tolerance for investors that support Taiwanese independence.That development forced Hai Pa Wang to place a newspaper advertisement on Monday which stated that it “firmly supports the idea that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to ‘one China.’”Meanwhile, bicycle maker Giant Manufacturing Co (巨大機械) confirmed that its chairman, King Liu (劉金標), also on Nov. 28, turned down the president’s offer to become a senior adviser.When asked why Liu declined Tsai’s offer, Giant spokesman Ken Li (李書耕) quoted Liu as saying that the chairman thinks he is not suitable for the position because he is 82 years old and planning to retire at the end of this year.People First Party Chairman James Soong (宋楚瑜), as well as veteran pro-Taiwanese independence advocates Peng Ming-min (彭明敏) and Kao Chun-ming (高俊明) also rejected offered positions.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES



另外,手中有台北市吉林路、仁愛路等都更大案的國揚,昨開盤不久即直奔12.75元的漲停價;終場大漲9.05%至12.65元波段新高 。



昨天營建股漲幅,以國揚、冠德漲幅較為突出。國揚目前手中以吉林路開運年菜食譜 、仁愛路2筆都更案,最受矚目,其中吉林案已進行10多年,已完成事業計畫,將走權利變換階段;不過,仁愛路位於「宏盛帝寶」對面的都更案,幾年下來已卡住在少數都更戶條件談不撤的關卡,近2年幾乎半停滯。



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